Approximately 500,00+ movies have been created at the time of writing this and each of them are part of a unique genre "what is a genre?" well a genre is basically the type of movie it is whether its supposed to cause laughter, thrill, or make someone nervous using specific shot types, editing, and mise-en-scene.
Some of the most common movie genres you may run into at a movie theater are the following
A genre (from Latin: genus) is a style or type of music, literature, movies, or other media. Some genres (styles) are used in more than one form of art or communication. For example, the genres fantasy and science fiction are used in literature, movies, and television. The earliest recorded systems of genre in Western history can be traced back to Plato and Aristotle. Gérard Genette, a French literary theorist and author of The Architext, describes Plato as creating three Imitational genres: dramatic dialogue, pure narrative, and epic (a mixture of dialogue and narrative).

Some of the most common movie genres you may run into at a movie theater are the following
A genre (from Latin: genus) is a style or type of music, literature, movies, or other media. Some genres (styles) are used in more than one form of art or communication. For example, the genres fantasy and science fiction are used in literature, movies, and television. The earliest recorded systems of genre in Western history can be traced back to Plato and Aristotle. Gérard Genette, a French literary theorist and author of The Architext, describes Plato as creating three Imitational genres: dramatic dialogue, pure narrative, and epic (a mixture of dialogue and narrative).

This assignment was basically a whole group assignments and we had to deeply go into research about a specific genre we chose to study, in this occasion me and my groupmates decided to study the gangster genre and we learned a lot about the origins of this genre and some good examples of this genre that can be presented to show the usually "clichés" or stereotypes such as lighting, suburbs, women, men, guns, drugs and more.
Genre is what defines there movie and the content of it, it pretty much helped you also determine what you like better because imagine if a action movie was under the romantic comedy section... no one would know what they are gonna watch anymore or trust the titles.
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